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Thursday, August 27, 2020
How to quit smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Instructions to stop smoking - Essay Example There are a few strategies that can assist with stopping smoking. Nicotine gum is one strategy that can assist with stopping smoking just when it is utilized to as a program to change the conduct. Nicotine gum can assist with controlling longings and furthermore withdrawal side effect. It can assist with multiplying the pace of stopping. It can turn out to be difficult for individuals to stop smoking when they are dependent towards it. Nicotine gum contains nicotine which makes individuals to fiend towards smoking. Nicotine discharged in the wake of biting nicotine gum assists with supplanting a portion of the nicotine that was put away during smoking cigarettes. Nicotine level in the firearm is in less amount that that of cigarettes. It can assist with decreasing withdrawal indications, for example, disappointment, crabbiness, outrage and tension (Krumhol, 2002). Nicotine gum assists with keeping away from Carbon monoxide and other unsafe synthetic concoctions that procured from smoking. Most smokers need to stop smoking however the fixation towards it makes troublesome. Obviously one needs great help to assist them with stopping smoking (Goldberg, 2009). Nicotine gum is the initial step that can assist with stopping smoking (Gansler, 2010). Eventually it is dependent upon the smoker to choose what is beneficial for them. Smokers who are set up to stop smoking must have this gum to control their desire to stop smoking (Brannon, 2013). The inclination of smoking may develop just when somebody quit smoking. In any case, individuals who need to stop smoking must be set up to control their fixation. Be that as it may, in the event that somebody don’t plan for their urges, at that point they are well on the way to smoke once more (Hales, 2008). Nicotine gums assists with expelling yearnings that are brought about by smoking. Individuals must have adequate resolve to stop smoking. Nicotine gum is useful when individuals are unequivocally enticed towards smoking (Carlson, 2004). Each puff of smoking cigarette radiates 4700 distinctive unsafe substance mixes. Data shows that are deadly and consistently a large number of individuals pass on to smoking (Foody, 2007). In short smokers can get numerous kinds of sicknesses; one of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Perceptions of Safety Among Children in Foster Care Essay
Impression of Safety Among Children in Foster Care - Essay Example With this data, it will be conceivable to all the more likely comprehend explicit wellbeing issues demonstrative to child care. Also, this information will clarify wellbeing issues that may not be persevering worries for youngsters in child care. With this information, social laborers could create projects to bring issues to light and improve security results for youngsters in this consideration setting. The US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (2005) reports that toward the finish of 2004, 800,000 kids were served by the child care framework. Of these youngsters, 304,000 spoke to new participants into the program. Despite the fact that this number is a piece of a bigger pattern speaking to an abatement in child care in the course of the most recent quite a while, it represents an outstanding level of the youngster populace in the United States. As indicated by the US Census Bureau (2005), there were roughly 7.5 million kids living in the US in 2004. Thusly, just about 10 percent of kids in the US were associated with the child care framework sooner or later in 2004. Obviously, what this information uncovers is that the child care framework involves a huge bit of youngsters living in the United States. As the size of this populace keeps on developing, social specialists and helping experts are confronted with the test of giving applicab le consideration that can improve results for youngsters put in these living game plans. With the re... With the acknowledgment that such huge numbers of youngsters in the US are brought into the child care framework, there is an away from to inspect the security of the general framework. A prior outline of what has been composed regarding the matter recommends that despite the fact that various creators have inspected the issue of wellbeing with regards to the child care framework, the specific way where security is characterized contrasts among researchers. For example, Altshuler and Gleeson (1999) keep up that there are a large group of factors that must be thought about while evaluating the wellbeing of the kid in child care. Among these factors are incorporated: physical wellbeing; subjective working and formative postponement. Strangely notwithstanding, Bilaver, Jaudes, Koepke, and Goerge (1999) conceptualize the security of kids in child care as straightforwardly identified with the strength of the kid. Part I: PURPOSE STATEMENT For the detailing of the reason articulation, I might want weight on the inquiry presented by the proposition. The inquiry basically spins around whether youngsters have a sense of security in their encourage home settings. Through the suggesting of this conversation starter, I will attempt to dig into the view of wellbeing for these youngsters separated from attempting to attest their idea of security when they are put in a cultivate home. In this specific circumstance, I will attempt to conceptualize the impression of these kids through their grown-up encounters through an emphasis on writing accessible on the psycho diagnostic perspective and artistic records of contextual investigations of reviewed encounters. The proposition will likewise concentrate unequivocally on the impression of the guardians who have embraced these kids in order to get the two sides of the story for a progressively subjective research. Issue Statement In spite of the fact that this
Friday, August 21, 2020
Writing Your MLA Essay
Writing Your MLA EssayLike most MFA programs, the MLA essay writing test is not easy. It can test the depth of a student's knowledge, but also their ability to work with others. These tests are designed to measure what a student has learned throughout their Masters program.The MLA essay writing test was created in 1971 by the MLA Review Board. Originally, it was only given to students who had earned a Master's degree in the field of literary and creative writing. Today, it is given to all MFA and PhD students.When taking the exam, you will be assigned sections that are similar to the one your MFA course required you to complete. While the topics may be slightly different, the content of each section will be the same. You must choose one of these five topics and read through the essay to write an essay that best demonstrates your knowledge of that topic.There are several strategies that can help you better prepare for this test. Most important, if you feel that you do not know enough about the topic, then ask your instructor for advice on how to structure your essay. He or she can also offer advice on how to structure your writing. Doing so will ensure that you have covered all bases, and be prepared to pass the test.While there are no 'special' MLA essay test topics, there are a few general topics that are designed to be broadly acceptable to a variety of students. The most well-known topic is that of race and the writing process. Some other topics include topics such as fictional characters, poetry, novels, criticism, and philosophy.As mentioned above, the test is divided into two parts. The first part, which is known as the pre-test, is where you will actually read through the material required in order to submit your paper. You will be graded on how well you completed the reading, the themes and points, and how much research you did. This is followed by the essay.The test will test your ability to read and understand the research that you have done and also the theme that you have written your essay around. The second part, called the essay, is where you will need to demonstrate your own original thoughts and research. In this part, you will be allowed to use up to three sources from the research that you have done. Again, this will be graded according to your research and writing.The essay is one of the most important parts of the exam, so you want to make sure that you are prepared for it. It will certainly test your understanding of both theory and practice. By taking the test, you will gain some valuable insight into your Master's program.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Euthanasia For Terminally Ill Patients Should Be Legalized
Neha Tuteja Chachere Period 2 1/13/15 Legalization of Euthanasia Take a moment to put yourself in their shoes. The one’s slowly dying. The ones in unbearable pain. The ones with the inability to walk. Inability to speak. The one’s in so much agony that even swallowing is a struggle. Laying there, on your deathbed, you think: is the pain worth it? To some it may be. But to many its not. In reality,people deal with this type suffering for years on end. The way to end the pain, is a â€Å"good death†called Euthanasia. Euthanasia, also known physician assisted suicide, is the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease. Now remember that physician assisted suicide is always with the consent of the patient. They are the primary decision makers. Therefore Euthanasia for terminally ill patients should be legalized in the state of California, because it is one of the most basic human rights which improves the quality of life and has already gained much public support. It is important to note that e very person should have the right to chose between their own life or death, avoiding a bad quality of life. Death is a personal matter, and if no harm is caused to others, then the government shouldn’t have the ability to oppose it. They’ve already given us the freedom to decide our job, practice our choice religion and even marry who we want. Why should they not give us the option to choose between our own life or death? In fact, that should comeShow MoreRelatedThe Debate About Euthanasia And Euthanasia1631 Words  | 7 PagesThe debates about euthanasia date all the way back to the 12th century. During this time, Christian values increased the public’s opinion against euthanasia. The church taught its followers that euthanasia not only injured individual people and their communities, but also violated God’s authority over life. This idea spread far and wide throughout the public until the 18th century when the renaissance and reformation writers atta cked the church and its teachings. However, the public did not pay muchRead MoreEuthanasia Should Be Allowed And Protected By Legislation1656 Words  | 7 Pagesstate she lives in has not legalized euthanasia and she is forced to live with the excruciating mental and physical pain for many more months. Many believe that a person who is terminally ill should retain the right to choose whether or not they want to die and defend the practice by saying it is financially suitable. Euthanasia should be allowed and protected by legislation because it a human’s ethical right to die and it is also economically sensible. Narratio Euthanasia is used to terminate theRead MoreEuthanasia Is A Painless, Quick, And Peaceful Death1569 Words  | 7 PagesWhy is it acceptable to put a loved pet out of its misery, but frowned upon to help a human relieve their terminal pain? Euthanasia is a painless, quick, and peaceful death that can be medically provided to patients by doctors to help end the suffering that comes with a terminal disease. This option is currently illegal in the United States. All over the country, there are patients lying in uncomfortable hospital beds, often unable to move or even speak due to the excruciating pain that comes withRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legal1325 Words  | 6 Pageshealth of the patient, the patient’s personal life, and even the financial pressure of the patient are all factors to consider when contemplating whether or not to legalize this controversial cause of death. Physician-assisted suicide regarding medical ethics states that a physician cannot legally give any patient a lethal injection to end their life, but they can take the patient off of life support in order to increase the process of death. Physician-assisted suicide should be legalized at a federalRead MoreThe Case Against Euthanasia913 Words  | 4 Pages(Kirkey 2). Euthanasia is defined as assisting a terminally ill patient with dying early. In many countries the legalization of this practice is being debated in many countries. All doctors against assisted suicide, including the 44 percent in Canada, are on the right side of the argument. Euthanasia should not be legalized because it is unnatural, it violates the Hippocratic Oath, and laws are to extensive. Protecting life is the ethical view of society today, and legalizing euthanasia offsets thatRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Euthanasia839 Words  | 4 Pages Euthanasia is a very controversial and sensitive topic because of the ethical, legal, and moral issues of it. In the United States alone, it is illegal almost everywhere, however; it’s legal in Colorado, Vermont, Montana, Washington D.C., Oregon, Washington, and California. But, what exactly is euthanasia? Euthanasia can be categorized in three different ways; voluntary euthanasia, non-voluntary euthanasia, and involuntary euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia is when a patient agrees to receive assistanceRead MoreAssisted Suicide And Voluntary Active Euthanasia Essay1345 Words  | 6 Pagesmany terminally ill people struggle with pain and fight through their diseases. No methods have been discovered to cure these poor people, but, everyday, he or she wishes for relief on their significant, unrelenting pain. Also, the on ly alternative method right now is to end their lives. There are two methods that many terminally ill people look to that are familiarized by our society: physician assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia. Physician assisted suicide is when the patient is prescribedRead MoreAssisted Suicide And Voluntary Active Euthanasia Essay1270 Words  | 6 Pagesour society today, many terminally ill struggle with pain and fight through their disease. No methods have been discovered to cure these poor people. Everyday, he or she wish for relief on their significant unrelenting pain, but the only method right now is to end their lives. There are two methods that many terminally ill look to that are familiarized by our society, physician assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia. Physician assisted suicide is when the patient is prescribed lethal medicineRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legal?1360 Words  | 6 PagesOwadara Adedamola ENG 101 Prof. Skeen 24 November 2015 Legalizing Euthanasia â€Å"Euthanasia is defined as conduct that brings about an easy and painless death for persons suffering from an incurable or painful disease or condition†(Muckart, et al 259). Euthanasia, also dying with dignity, is the practice of the termination of a terminally ill person s life in order to relieve them of their suffering. Euthanasia is one of today’s most controversial health issues with debates on people’s rightRead MoreThe Slippery Slope Of Euthanasia1396 Words  | 6 Pagesslippery slope argument has been ongoing in the euthanasia debate. The â€Å"slippery slope†refers to the belief that legalizing voluntary euthanasia and physician assisted suicide will lead to undesirable outcomes. Many speculate that the legalization of involuntary euthanasia will lead to the legalization of murder. Since euthanasia is legalized in the Netherlands, some argue that it has caused a slippery slope. Now, people believe legalizing euthanasia in the United State s will also cause a slippery
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Year Without A Summer 1816 Weather Disaster
The Year Without a Summer, a peculiar 19th-century disaster, played out during 1816 when the weather in Europe and North America took a bizarre turn that resulted in widespread crop failures and even famine. The weather in 1816 was unprecedented. Spring arrived as usual. But then the seasons seemed to turn backward, as cold temperatures returned. In some places, the sky appeared permanently overcast. The lack of sunlight became so severe that farmers lost their crops and food shortages were reported in Ireland, France, England, and the United States. In Virginia, Thomas Jefferson retired from the presidency and farming at Monticello, sustained crop failures that sent him further into debt. In Europe, the gloomy weather helped inspire the writing of a classic horror tale, Frankenstein. It would be more than a century before anyone understood the reason for the peculiar weather disaster: the eruption of an enormous volcano on a remote island in the Indian Ocean a year earlier had thrown enormous amounts of volcanic ash into the upper atmosphere. The dust from Mount Tambora, which had erupted in early April 1815, had shrouded the globe. And with sunlight blocked, 1816 did not have a normal summer. Reports of Weather Problems Appeared in Newspapers Mentions of odd weather began appearing in American newspapers in early June, such as the following dispatch from Trenton, New Jersey which appeared in the Boston Independent Chronicle on June 17, 1816: On the night of 6th instant, after a cold day, Jack Frost paid another visit to this region of the country, and nipped the beans, cucumbers, and other tender plants. This surely is cold weather for summer. On the 5th we had quite warm weather, and in the afternoon copious showers attended with lightning and thunder -- then followed high cold winds from the northwest, and back back again the above mentioned unwelcome visitor. On the 6th, 7th, and 8th June, fires were quite agreeable company in our habitations. As the summer went on and the cold persisted, crops failed. Whats important to note is that while 1816 wasnt the coldest year on record, the prolonged cold coincided with the growing season. And that led to food shortages in Europe and in some communities in the United States. Historians have noted that the westward migration in America accelerated following the very cold summer of 1816. It is believed that some farmers in New England, having struggled through a horrible growing season, made up their minds to venture to western territories. The Bad Weather Inspired a Classic Story of Horror In Ireland, the summer of 1816 was much rainier than normal, and the potato crop failed. In other European countries, wheat crops were dismal, leading to bread shortages. In Switzerland, the damp and dismal summer of 1816 led to the creation of a significant literary work. A group of writers, including Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and his future wife Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, challenged each other to write dark tales inspired by the gloomy and chilly weather. During the miserable weather, Mary Shelley wrote her classic novel, Frankenstein. Reports Looked Back at the Bizarre Weather of 1816 By the end of summer, it was apparent that something very strange had occurred. The Albany Advertiser, a newspaper in New York State, published a story on October 6, 1816, which related the peculiar season: The weather during the past summer has been generally considered as very uncommon, not only in this country, but, as it would seem from newspaper accounts, in Europe also. Here it has been dry, and cold. We do not recollect the time when the drought has been so extensive, and general, not when there has been so cold a summer. There have been hard frosts in every summer month, a fact that we have never known before. It has also been cold and dry in some parts of Europe, and very wet in other places in that quarter of the world. The Albany Advertiser went on to propose some theories about why the weather was so bizarre. The mention of sunspots is interesting, as sunspots had been seen by astronomers, and some people, to this day, wonder about what, if any effect, that may have had on the weird weather. Whats also fascinating is that the newspaper article from 1816 proposes that such events be studied so people can learn what is going on: Many persons suppose that the seasons have not thoroughly recovered from the shock they experienced at the time of the total eclipse of the sun. Others seem disposed to charge the peculiarities of the season, the present year, upon the spots on the sun. If the dryness of the season has in any measure depended on the latter cause, it has not operated uniformly in different places -- the spots have been visible in Europe, as well as here, and yet in some parts of Europe, as we have already remarked, they have been drenched with rain. Without undertaking to discuss, much less to decide, such a learned subject as this, we should be glad if proper pains were taken to ascertain, by regular journals of the weather from year to year, the state of the seaons in this country and Europe, as well as the general state of health in both quarters of the globe. We think the facts might be collected, and the comparison made, without much difficulty; and when once made, that it would be of great advantage to medical men, and medical science. The Year Without a Summer would be long remembered. Newspapers in Connecticut decades later reported that old farmers in the state referred to 1816 as eighteen hundred and starve to death. As it happens, the Year Without a Summer would be studied well into the 20th century, and a fairly clear understanding would emerge. The Eruption of Mount Tambora When the volcano at Mount Tambora erupted it was a massive and terrifying event which killed tens of thousands of people. It was actually a larger volcanic eruption than the eruption at Krakatoa decades later. The Krakatoa disaster has always overshadowed Mount Tambora for a simple reason: the news of Krakatoa traveled quickly by telegraph and appeared in newspapers quickly. By comparison, people in Europe and North America only heard about Mount Tambora months later. And the event did not hold much meaning for them. It was not until well into the 20th century that scientists began to link the two events, the eruption of Mount Tambora and the Year Without a Summer. There have been scientists who dispute or discount the relationship between the volcano and the crop failures on the other side of the world the following year, but most scientific thought finds the link credible.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Problem Of Environmental Racism - 916 Words
In this paper, we are going to provide a quick overview of what environmental justice is and when this phenomenon started to then analyze the dilemma of environmental racism in minorities’ neighborhoods. At the same time we will try to present some solutions to the matter as well as explain if we believe that this kind of social-race problem could be addressed in a near future or it will be ignored and forgotten by the new generations. The environmental justice movement is tightly related to the Civil Rights act created in 1964 and the work of Dr. Martin Luther King. Many believe that the real origin of the movement was in Warren County, North Carolina when residents protested about a landfill placed in their county causing some serious environmental pollution. After this event, communities around the country mainly low income, reported similar impacts in their neighborhood and land, making everyone aware of a new wave of racial discrimination, reason enough to get the attenti on of human rights activists who promptly took action and a new political agenda was created. The environmental movement main purpose is to seek change in the abuse of decisions made by people in power to the disproportional exposure of color people and other racial minorities to polluted air, soil and water causing long term health effects by allowing the construction of waste or nuclear facilities in the same segregated area were poor people are located. Based on the description above manyShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental And Environmental Disaster Of The United Church Of Christ Commission On Racial Justice1424 Words  | 6 Pageswhite residents living within a mile of treatment and environmental toxic disposal facilities has increased. Environmental justice advocates have discovered the disproportionate placement of hazardous waste facilities in low-income communities of color throughout the United States. California, specifically, is a culturally diverse state with changing demog raphics and major issues with pollution. Although pollution and waste is a widespread problem, it has been more negatively impactful to communitiesRead MoreThe Documentary Crude, By Joe Berlinger1371 Words  | 6 Pagescompany FreshDirect began plans to build their new headquarters and a fueling station along the South Bronx waterfront, a district which is 39% Black and 60% Hispanic according to the Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems. Environmental racism is usually not the overt racism, discrimination, or stereotyping that is splayed out across the media through newspapers and television screens, attracting national attention. Instead, it is more subtle and hidden, such as the placement of a toxic waste dumpRead MoreEnvironmental Racism : Environmental Discrimination1677 Words  | 7 PagesGrace Dr. McCray Sociology 210 August 28, 2017 Environmental Racism Environmental racism refers to the inappropriate exposure of low-income or minority individuals to heavy chemicals, pollution, toxic wastes, pesticides, and, most importantly, clean air. According to Bullard, environmental racism refers to racial discrimination in environmental policy making, decision making, and/or any practice which results in equitable distribution of environmental burdens borne by society and based on race orRead MoreEssay on Environmental Racism1450 Words  | 6 PagesWhen one discusses acts of racism, slander or the stereotyping of a group of people may come to mind. However, the concept of environmental racism is rarely considered. This form of racism positions dominant environmental framing as racially driven, in which people of color (i.e. minorities) are affected disproportionately by poor environmental practices. Communities of color throughout the United States have become the dumping grounds for our nation’s waste disposal, as well as home to agriculturalRead MoreThe Priorities Of The United States Public Policy Making Process949 Words  | 4 Pageshealth and safety due to environmental issues, perhaps our policy makers should address the issues we face daily while living in our communities. The environmental issues extend beyond unhealthy, and risky conditions due to waste management and unsustainable lifestyles. The environmental issues we face are dispersed unevenly in communities, especially in urban areas among minorities. The unequitable dispersal of environmental hazards, transforms a physical resource problem into one of social justiceRead MoreRacism and Social Injustice Essay1270 Words  | 6 Pagesthe racial environment is changing. Environmental pollution and racism are connected in more ways than one. The world is unconsciously aware of environmental intolerances, yet continues to expose the poor and minorities to physical hazards. Furthermore, sociologist continue to study â€Å"whether racial dispar ities are largely a function of socioeconomic disparities or whether other factors associated with race are also related to the distribution of environmental hazards†(Mohai and Saha 2007: 345).Read MoreJohn Muir and the Environmental Conservation Movement Essay1248 Words  | 5 Pagesnineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the environmental movement which came about after 1950 had symbolic and ideological relationships, but were quite different in their social roots and objectives. A clear point is that especially in the beginning, only the elite, wealthy class, had time left to think and enjoy nature and joined the environmental movement organizations. It was born out a movement of amateurs. The organizations of the environmental movement viewed natural resources such as waterRead MoreEassy : The New Global Health Terror1292 Words  | 6 Pagesmultiple countries. The local governments response to this crisis is to kill the mosquitoes and to spread cautionary m essages to women. This essay will discuss how the Zika epidemic intersects with the global issues of gender discrimination and environmental racism. The Zika virus intersects with an issue that feminists have been fighting for four centuries, gender discrimination. The local and global governments have put out messages that target women and tell them that they should avoid becoming pregnantRead MoreA Brief Note On The Mountains And Nuclear Waste1259 Words  | 6 Pagesfertility of their land. Environmental racism is the inequality in the form of racism linked with environmental factors and practices that cause disproportionate distress on minority communities (Knowledge Encyclopedia). The Yucca mountain project is environmental racism to the surrounding natives. To get across my point, the following paragraphs will talk about the history of the project, what the article was about, which tribes it would affect, why it is environmental racism and why the previous paragraphsRead MoreA Brief Note On The Mountains And Nuclear Waste1267 Words  | 6 Pagesfertility of their land. Environmental racism is the inequality in the for m of racism linked with environmental factors and practices that cause disproportionate distress on minority communities (Knowledge Encyclopedia). The Yucca mountain project is environmental racism to the surrounding natives. To get across my point, the following paragraphs will talk about the history of the project, what the article was about, which tribes it would affect, why it is environmental racism and why the previous paragraphs
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Teacher That Changed My Life free essay sample
Cue I sit now quietly In front of a grand piano In my cousins living room. My cousin, Lana, is speaking to me- she had me over for lunch to discuss the family- yet I am distracted by the large instrument that takes up almost half the room. I can only assume the baby grand was once a shiny black, though because its keys have been played numerous times, its color is noticeably faded. My mother floats through my mind. Anastasia! my cousin stops her rambling and finally notices that I have not been paying attention to a single word.I am suddenly attentive, my eyes refocused on Lana. Have you even spoken to your parents, lately? , Lana asks. It has been a while since I had spoken to them. My parents are still in Moldavia, running the family fish business. A year and a half ago they had sent me to America to study, while they stayed behind and tended to business. We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher That Changed My Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As a young girl of only 19, such a change was overwhelming at times. I came with nothing more than a suitcase, a dream and my education; and as I would find out soon, it was my education that would serve me best.Growing up, my parents had always emphasized the importance of two things in life- education and discipline. My father was an accomplished business man- managing many other peoples businesses In his lifetime, until finally starting the fishing company that my parents still run today. He had studied numerous subjects. Including economics and finance, and always taught me that theory is nothing without application. The success of his businesses are certainly due to a combination of both. My mother, while also part of the family business, held the main roles of care- Akers and educator.My mother never went to university, because it was uncustomary for women in the sass to study in Moldavia. She did, however, study and play the piano throughout her entire life. As such, I was always surrounded by music as a child. And still today nothing gives me a greater thrill than to listen to the great Plano sonatas of composers past- Beethoven, Bach, Mozart. 1 OFF started long before I entered kindergarten. My mother, taught me everything that she knew about playing the piano and simultaneously, she taught me everything that he knew about life.I can think of no greater influence on my life and its course than my mothermy piano teacher for 14 years. Back in Lanais living room- in America- we discuss family finances and the payment of university tuition fees. We discuss the difficulties of moving to a new country with very little. We discuss the nights we wished we were back home, but mostly the days that had made it all worth leaving. Lana goes to the kitchen for some more tea, and I am drawn to the piano. I sit longingly with the white and black keys lust under my fingertips.One two three, one two three, one two three I speak the metronome in my mind as I play a most familiar melody- Moonlight Sonata by Ethiopia. I am suddenly brought back to our small den in Moldavia. Every night my mother would play this song to me in hopes that it would stick in my ear. She once said, all things are connected- you need the same skills to succeed in life as you do in music. Now that I am older I understand what she meant, and there have been few words that have had more impact. And few people that have influenced me more than my piano teacher, my mother.After a year and a half of living in America, I interpret what she has taught me and how it affects all aspects of my life. Practice and Discipline. Hard work, structure, sacrifice- All of these are required to learn a piece, acquire the notes necessary to play a piece, and similarly, to succeed in life in America. These are the building blocks of any skill. Next comes rhythm. Nothing can be rushed. Like the pulse of a metronome, all must be in good time. And finally, emotion. As my piano teacher emphasized, nothing is more important than playing with emotion, and with passion.For even if you know how to play all the right notes, no one will be listening if you do not play from the heart. It is armed with this knowledge, this education, that I came to the United States to pursue an education, and hopefully one day, my own business. I hold strong to the lessons that my mother taught me those many nights by the piano, for these have served me well until now and will certainly continue to do so. I play the last few notes of moonlight sonata, and lift my fingers from the keys. More tea?
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